Thigh Lift Surgery in Novi & Troy, MI

Mune Gowda, MD, FACS, board certified plastic surgeon offers thigh lift plastic surgery at both his Novi and Troy, Michigan plastic surgery practices. This highly gratifying plastics surgery procedure is surgically tailored depending on your specific case. This procedure is tremendously popular among both our female and male plastic surgery patients with a very high satisfaction rate. Thigh lift plastic surgery is very straightforward. It is performed by the plastic surgeon to remove excess skin and fat from your thighs (either your inner thighs, outer thighs, or both). The goal of this procedure is to improve the appearance of your thighs by removing the “dimpled look” produced by cellulite.

*To schedule a confidential consultation simply call (248) 305.8400 or click here to request a consultation via our online form.

How a Thigh Lift Works

Thigh lift surgery reshapes the thighs by reducing excess skin, and in some cases fat, resulting in smoother skin and better-proportioned contours of the thighs and lower body.

Thigh Lift surgery (also called “Thighplasty“) is a plastic surgery procedure designed to tighten or correct the sagging, loose skin and excess fat deposits of the inner thigh, outer thigh or posterior thigh, re-creating the more taut contours of youth. The sagging skin is usually caused by significant weight loss as opposed to weight gain.


Many patients who have previous undergone Bariatric surgery or have lost a significant amount of weight  elect this highly gratifying procedure to performed by our best in class plastic surgeon.

A thigh lift improves the contours of the thighs and may be performed in combination with liposuction plastic surgery and/or other body lift or plastic surgery procedures. Tightening the loose skin of the thigh is achieved by the plastic surgeon via cutting the excess skin (the excess skin or part of it is usually is a result of weight loss). Thigh lifts are not intended strictly for the removal of excess fat. Liposuction alone can remove excess fat deposits where skin has good elasticity and is able to naturally conform to new body contours.

Types of Thigh Lift Approaches

There are different types of thigh lift plastic surgery to address your problem areas. Thigh lifts that target the inner thighs can help improve the shape of your inner thigh, while eliminating the discomfort of rubbing and chafing. To improve the shape of your outer thighs, a “belt lipectomy” might be the best solution for your particular case. A belt lipectomy is a plastic surgery procedure designed to tighten the skin by removing a “belt” of skin all the way around the body, thus raising the buttocks, hips and thighs to a more youthful position. While thigh lift procedures produce beautiful and long-lasting results, it’s important to realize that you will have scars after your surgery.

In many cases, scars can be hidden in relatively inconspicuous areas, and most patients are willing to exchange scars for firmer, younger looking thighs.

Thigh lift plastic surgery is performed as out as outpatient procedure under general anesthesia. Prior to surgery, your plastic surgeon will outline on the patient’s inner thighs the amount of excess skin that can safely be removed and the skin brought together without excessive tension.

As a best in class plastic surgeon, Dr. Gowda provides highly personalized and comprehensive care. His philosophy regarding the physician/patient relationship is based on trust and has earned him one of the most respected reputations in South East Michigan.

The top rated plastic surgeon uses the latest techniques to provide the most natural-looking results possible for your thigh lift plastic surgery procedure.

For more information about thigh lift plastic surgery please contact our plastic surgery practice:

Novi, MI Plastic Surgery Office
26850 Providence Parkway
Suite 125
Novi, MI 48374
(248) 305.8400

Troy, MI Plastic Surgery Office
3270 West Big Beaver
Suite 415
Troy, MI 48084
(248) 530.0000

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