Laser Stretch Mark Removal in Novi & Troy, MI

Dr. Mune Gowda, board certified plastic surgeon, is happy to offer the most high tech treatment on the market for stretch mark removal in Troy & Novi, MI. Laser stretch mark removal is fast, easy and FDA-cleared – and may give you back the natural-looking skin you’ve been dreaming of. While there are many suitable candidates for laser stretch mark removal, the most common patients are women who have recently given birth. Stretch marks and pregnancy usually go hand in hand – almost three in four women will experience stretch marks after pregnancy.

How We Treat Stretch Marks

At Dr. Gowda’s laser centers, depending on your stretch marks we may use skin resurfacing, laser treatment and microdermabrasion to eliminate stretch marks.

Laser treatments exfoliate the surface of the stretch marks, visibly reducing stretch marks and making the skin far smoother. Treatment is quick and simple and the results are truly impressive, promoting skin rejuvenation and vitality. Patients report an extremely high satisfaction rate with our state-of-the-art laser system.

The laser to be used for your laser stretch mark treatment will depend on the degree of your stretch marks severity: a consultation will be needed to attain an accurate quote.

Stretch Mark Causes

Both men and women are susceptible to stretch marks, particularly on the thighs, hips, arms, buttocks, abdominal area, and lower back. There are several causes of stretch marks, including:

  • Genetics: Women are more likely to get belly stretch marks if their mother, for instance, had stretch marks after pregnancy.
  • Significant weight gain and loss: Your skin stretches as your weight fluctuates, sometimes resulting in stretch marks.
  • Puberty: Growth spurts during puberty often result in stretch marks as the skin is unable to keep up with the body’s rate of growth.
  • Bodybuilding: Rapid development of muscle mass may stretch the skin beyond its limits.
  • Corticosteroids: Heavy or long-term use of oral or topical corticosteroids, a widely used pharmaceutical steroid compound, can lead to stretch mark formation.
  • Ethnicity: People with darker skin are less likely to have stretch marks.

How Stretch Mark Treatment Works

Laser stretch mark treatments are non-invasive with virtually no recovery time necessary; you can resume your normal activities immediately after treatment.

"The actual treatment wasn’t very long. The procedure felt similar to some minor pinches but was all the more tolerable. The laser removal process is fast. This place is also very clean and ultra medical and modern but relaxing! I could not be more happy with their laser stretch marks removal results. They use the latest technology, which is so quick. I am usually in and out in 20 minutes. Life changing!"

- Anonymous


Laser stretch mark removal is highly effective for treating brightly colored reddish stretch marks because lasers will significantly reduce the red color and help to treat the inflammation that typically surrounds the area.

Additionally, the laser works to stimulate collagen and elastin to improve the overall appearance of the skin. IF your stretch marks are paler in color and the texture of the skin is your primary concern, fractional laser therapy is typically used.

As a best in class board certified plastic surgeon, Mune Gowda, MD, FACS provides highly personalized and comprehensive care. His philosophy regarding the doctor/patient relationship is based on trust and has earned him one of the most respected reputations in South East Michigan.

The top rated plastic surgeon uses the latest laser techniques to provide the most natural-looking results possible from your laser treatment procedure.

Novi, MI Plastic Surgery Office
26850 Providence Parkway
Suite 125
Novi, MI 48374
(248) 305.8400

Troy, MI Plastic Surgery Office
3270 West Big Beaver
Suite 415
Troy, MI 48084
(248) 530.0000

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