Brow Lift Surgery (Forehead Lift) in Troy & Novi, MI

An endoscopic forehead lift, also known as a brow lift or endoscopic brow lift is a very common plastic surgery procedure performed on men and women which yields incredible results. An endoscopic brow lift is usually performed on patients over the age of 40, by the top rated plastic surgeon, Mune Gowda, MD, FACS, at either his Troy or Novi, Michigan Plastic Surgery Centers. Brow lift plastic surgery corrects expression lines and signs of aging (such as deep forehead wrinkles) and yields a much more youthful appearance.

Why Choose a Brow Lift?

Wrinkles in the forehead or between the eyebrows develop as part of the inevitable ageing process and can leave your eyes looking droopy, making you appear older than you are and yield a worried, angry or tired expression. A Brow Lift or Forehead Lift Surgery performed by Dr. Gowda, can help reduce the creases in your forehead including the vertical lines between your eyebrows, improve your frown lines and elevate drooping eyelids, giving you a more refreshed, youthful look.

A Brow Lift will raise your eyebrows, often restoring them to a more youthful position. As a brow lift plastic surgery specialists Dr. Gowda will address your unique needs and your results will look natural not over-done. It may be recommended that the procedure be performed in conjunction with Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) Nose Surgery (Rhinoplasty), or a Face Lift (this will be discussed during your consultation).

*To schedule a confidential consultation please call (248) 305.8400 or click here to request a consultation via our online form.

The board certified plastic surgeon  offers brow lift plastic surgery as a highly customized procedure, taking into account your concerns and facial goals as discussed in the pre-surgery consultation. The brow lift / forehead lift can be performed under local or general anesthesia. Either way, your plastic surgeon will perform the brow lift plastic surgery in our accredited and licensed ambulatory surgery in Novi or Troy, Michigan.

The Brow Lift/ Forehead Lift Procedure

All brow lifts performed by our specialist, Dr. Mune Gowda at either his Novi or Troy, Michigan Plastic Surgery Center is performed via the endoscopic brow lift technique. This means that your brow lift is achieved through small hidden “keyhole” incisions made behind the hairline. Dr. Gowda then inserts an endoscope (specialized surgical telescope) in order to visualize the forehead anatomy. This type of brow lift / forehead lift is the most contemporary approach available.

Surgeries performed with endoscopic technology allow for uncompromised results without creating full-sized incisions. They also minimize scaring and preserve the hairline. With the endoscope, Dr. Gowda will also incise small muscles that create the deep furrows in the forehead to relax the area for a more youthful look. The tissue is then re-draped to fully remove forehead wrinkles and brow drooping.

Recovery from Endoscopic Forehead Lift / Eyebrow Lift

About two weeks after the brow lift, Dr. Gowda will remove any stitches. Brow lift incision points usually heal extremely well.

Complications from an endoscopic brow lift arevery  rare. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, fewer than 1% of endoscopic brow lift patients report any complications.

However, there are some common side effects after an endoscopic forehead lift. These include forehead discomfort (treated with medication), swelling (managed with head elevation), and numbness. None of the above effects typically last for longer than one week.

Eyebrow Lift: Making a Decision

The decision to proceed with a brow lift / forehead lift requires planning. As with all Dr. Gowda’s cosmetic plastic surgery procedures, a thorough consultation is offered.

These consultations provide patients with education, individualized procedure recommendations in line with personal medical history, computer imaging to communicate results visually, and assistance with the financial investment of the brow lift.

Frequently Asked Questions About Brow Lifts

As plastic surgery procedures vary depending on your specific needs, a brow lift can take less than 1 hour to 2 hours under local or general anesthetic.

A tight feeling and headaches are possible a few days after a brow lift, but these can be relieved with painkillers which will be prescribes to you by your plastic surgeon.

You will generally fully recover in approximately 7 days, when swelling and bruising will subside, and you are ready to go out and about.

Most people return to work within 10 days of their browlift. If you work from home and your job isn’t too physical, you may be able to resume work sooner.

The modern surgical procedures employed by our best in class plastic surgeon, Dr. Mune Gowda, MD, FACS mean you will only need a few small incisions hidden in your hairline or in the natural skin creases in your forehead. You will have no visible or obvious scarring.

Consultations can determine whether a brow lift is the ideal surgery for your needs, or if you would be better served by a facelift a non-surgical facelift (accomplished with injectable fillers such as Restylane®, and/or Juvéderm®) or another procedure.

As a best in class plastic surgeon, Dr. Gowda provides highly personalized and comprehensive care. His philosophy regarding the physician/patient relationship is based on trust and has earned him one of the most respected reputations in South East Michigan.

The top rated plastic surgeon uses the latest techniques to provide the most natural-looking results possible for your plastic surgery procedure. For more information about forehead lift plastic surgery or to schedule a consultation, please contact our  plastic surgery practice:

Novi, MI Plastic Surgery Office
26850 Providence Parkway
Suite 125
Novi, MI 48374
(248) 305.8400

Troy, MI Plastic Surgery Office
3270 West Big Beaver
Suite 415
Troy, MI 48084
(248) 530.0000

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