Acne Scar Removal Treatment in Novi & Troy, MI

Laser acne treatments (as well as acne scar and post acne hyperpigmentation treatments) are very popular (and we have been told even “life changing”) at Dr. Mune Gowda’s Skin & Laser Centers of Novi and Troy, Michigan. Thanks to our innovative approach towards acne and post acne hyper-pigmentation and advancements in technology, laser treatments have come a long way in the recent years making it suitable for all skin types (including darker skin tones). A course of laser treatments has proven to significantly reduce moderate to deep acne scarring and stubborn pigmentation on the face, offering remarkable results, noticeable after the first treatment. Laser treatments for acne are oftentimes paired with medical facials such ass chemical facial peels or microdermabrasion for faster results (this varies from case to case).

Laser treatments are the fastest way to deal with active acne (including the dreaded cystic acne), acne scars, and post acne hyper-pigmentation (the brown or red marks left behind when acne heals).

The primary benefit of laser therapy  is that it has very precise effects and works quicker than anything else on the market. Our medical laser acne treatments are very effective and usually achieve a dramatic difference within the first few treatments, but multiple treatments are typically required for the best possible results (the types of lasers used and number of treatments will vary on your specific skin condition).

"I was an adult acne sufferer with terrible cystic acne (the ones you can’t pop in addition to the ones you can). It was really a nightmare for me and I rarely wanted to leave my house. I tried everything and was desperate. Dr. Gowda is very well known in the Detroit area and when my colleague told me she went to him for facials I was intrigued – she head beautiful, envy worthy skin. My initial appointment was comprehensive. All questions that I had were completely and patiently answered. I had laser acne treatments and a series of peels. Two months later my acne is under control, not perfect – but no biggy. My skin has not looked this clear and even toned in over a decade (I am 34). This place is the real deal. The prices are fair and the results far exceeded my expectations. I used to avoid the mirror at all costs and now when I look in the mirror I want to cry for joy."

- Anonymous


Advances in laser technologies now give patients with acne, alternative laser options and the best laser option for you will be discussed and thoroughly explained during your consultation.

Dr. Gowda has multiple lasers which each serve a different purpose. Depending on your acne situation and/or acne scar situation the best laser for your case will be used.

Acne Laser and Light Therapy Options

Different lasers and light therapies are used to treat acne. The following explains the varying types of laser therapies we offer:

  • Blue light (and other devices that emit visible light)

    Blue light was the first light treatment to receive approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for acne treatment. Visible light can treat mild-to-moderate inflammatory acne such as pimples. Visible light is not effective for blackheads or whiteheads.

  • Infrared light

    This type of light has been approved to treat mild-to-moderate inflammatory acne, including pimples on the back. Infrared light cannot treat blackheads, white heads, cysts, or nodules.

  • Photopneumatic therapy

    This treatment combines an intense pulsed light (IPL) laser with a gentle vacuum. It works by removing excess oil and dead skin cells from clogged pores. It is approved to treat blackheads, white heads, and some other types of acne. It cannot treat acne nodules or cysts.

Key Advantages of Laser Acne Treatments for Patients:

  • Quicker results than pharmaceuticals.
  • Safe treatment with over 80% acne clearance on average.
  • Easy, painless treatments instead of daily pills or creams.
  • Our Troy & Novi patients report an extremely high satisfaction rate (not for only clearing acne but for clearing the brown or red marks left behind from acne, including post inflammatory hyperpigmentation).

Mune Gowda, MD, FACS provides highly personalized and comprehensive care. His philosophy regarding the doctor/patient relationship is based on trust and has earned him one of the most respected reputations in South East Michigan.

The top rated plastic surgeon uses the latest laser techniques to provide the most natural-looking results possible from your laser treatment procedure.

Novi, MI Plastic Surgery Office
26850 Providence Parkway
Suite 125
Novi, MI 48374
(248) 305.8400

Troy, MI Plastic Surgery Office
3270 West Big Beaver
Suite 415
Troy, MI 48084
(248) 530.0000

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