Laser Wrinkle Reduction Treatment in Novi & Troy, MI

Dr. Mune Gowda, board certified plastic surgeon, offers laser wrinkle reduction treatments at his Troy & Novi laser centers. Laser wrinkle reduction treatments are an increasingly popular treatment and like surgical face-lifts that require a significant recovery time, laser wrinkle treatment is a nonsurgical cosmetic alternative that has substantively less downtime and allows you to recover from the treatment and yield dramatically visible results in as little as a few days with minimal discomfort or side effects. A dramatically fresher, smoother, and more evenly colored complexion can be achieved with this procedure.

Laser energy works from the inside out; it gently and safely targets the skin’s scaffolding, stimulating the growth of elastin and collagen in the skin’s dermis over time, and replenishing lost collagen to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles, improve skin tone and “re-plump” the skin.

"This is the real-deal! When you HAVE to get cosmetic procedures (if you know what I mean and I think you do) you can’t imagine it will be THIS good. Medical grade lasers simply do not compare to the medi-spa type lasers that you see sprawled throughout the Detroit area. I underwent 4 laser treatmentss for wrinkle reduction and all I can say is that I am amazed at the results: no short time fillers or Botox – just my beautiful skin! No down-time, no pain. I easily look a decade younger. Laser wrinkle reduction is simply a magical treatment. I had 3 CoolTouch laser treatments and trust me it works. Huge benefit is the evening out of skin tone.Beyond a shadow of doubt I recommend this place."

- Anonymous


What the CoolTouch Laser Treats

  • Wrinkles around the eyes (periorbital wrinkles).
  • Crow’s feet.
  • Wrinkles around the mouth (perioral wrinkles).
  • Frown lines.
  • Lipstick lines.
  • Smoker’s lines.
  • Facial wrinkles.

How CoolTouch Wrinkle Reduction Treatment Works

Our laser wrinkle reduction treatments to tighten skin and reduce wrinkles utilizes safe bi-polar radio frequency (RF) and optical energy to reduce wrinkles at both the epidermal and deep dermal levels while firming, toning and tightening lax skin, achieving exceptional, immediate results and satisfaction with enhanced comfort.

No sedation or topical anesthetic is needed and there is little to no redness, peeling or downtime. The amount of laser treatments and the type of laser necessary will vary from case to case and depends on your specific type of skin and skin conditon; typically a series of 3-5 are recommended for optimal results.

Laser Wrinkle Reduction Benefits

After the first treatment, in addition to wrinkle reduction, you will have additional benefits to the appearance of your skin, including:

  • Smaller pore size.
  • Improved firmness and elasticity.
  • Reduced hyper-pigmentation.
  • Reduced sun-spots.
  • Reduced pigmentation (sun spots and melasma).
  • Smoother texture.
  • Improvement to wrinkles, fine lines and acne scars.
  • Radiant, refreshed skin.

As a best in class board certified plastic surgeon, Mune Gowda, MD, FACS provides highly personalized and comprehensive care. His philosophy regarding the doctor/patient relationship is based on trust and has earned him one of the most respected reputations in South East Michigan.

The top rated plastic surgeon uses the latest laser techniques to provide the most natural-looking results possible from your laser treatment procedure.

Novi, MI Plastic Surgery Office
26850 Providence Parkway
Suite 125
Novi, MI 48374
(248) 305.8400

Troy, MI Plastic Surgery Office
3270 West Big Beaver
Suite 415
Troy, MI 48084
(248) 530.0000

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